UAB Blazers Color Codes

UAB Blazers Color Codes
UAB Blazers Color Codes

Primary UAB Blazers Color Codes

UAB Blazers Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Green(0, 99, 65)(100, 0, 34, 61)PMS 3425 C#006341
Gold(204, 138, 0)(2, 39, 100, 10)PMS 131 C#CC8A00
Black(0, 0, 0)(0, 0, 0, 100)PMS Process Black C#000000
Red(191, 13, 62)(2, 99, 62, 11)PMS 193 C#BF0D3E

Key Features of UAB Blazers Color Codes

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Blazers is a prominent NCAA football team known for its distinctive colors and branding. The team’s colors are a combination of green, gold, black, and red, creating a vibrant and unique palette that sets the Blazers apart in the world of college sports.

Primary Colors

  • Green: A deep and bold green, represented by the Pantone code PMS 3425 C, Hex color #006341, RGB (0, 99, 65), and CMYK (100, 0, 34, 61).
  • Gold: A striking gold, depicted with Pantone PMS 131 C, Hex #CC8A00, RGB (204, 138, 0), and CMYK (2, 39, 100, 10).
  • Black: A classic black, given as Pantone Process Black C, Hex #000000, RGB (0, 0, 0), and CMYK (0, 0, 0, 100).
  • Red: A vivid red, presented in Pantone PMS 193 C, Hex #BF0D3E, RGB (191, 13, 62), and CMYK (2, 99, 62, 11).

These colors are used not just in the team’s logo but also across various elements of branding, including jerseys, merchandise, and promotional materials.

Logo and Symbolism

The UAB Blazers’ logo is visually striking, featuring a green and black dragon with red and gold flames emerging from its mouth. This image serves as a visual metaphor for the team’s name, “Blazers,” symbolizing the fiery spirit and dynamic energy of the team and its supporters.


In terms of typography, the UAB Blazers use the Proxima Nova font. This font is employed across various applications, including jersey lettering, player names, team logo, branding, and merchandise. The choice of Proxima Nova, created by Mark Simonson, adds a modern and sleek touch to the team’s visual identity, complementing the boldness of their colors and logo.

The combination of these elements – the distinctive color palette, the dynamic logo, and the modern typography – creates a unique and memorable brand identity for the UAB Blazers, reflecting the team’s spirit and the vibrant sports culture at the University of Alabama at Birmingham​​​​​​.

FAQ of UAB Blazers Color Codes

  1. What are the UAB Blazers’ team colors?

    The UAB Blazers’ team colors are green, gold, black, and red​​.

  2. What are the specific color codes for the UAB Blazers’ logo?

    The UAB Blazers logo uses green (PMS 3425 C, Hex #006341, RGB (0, 99, 65), CMYK (100, 0, 34, 61)), gold (PMS 131 C, Hex #CC8A00, RGB (204, 138, 0), CMYK (2, 39, 100, 10)), black (PMS Process Black C, Hex #000000, RGB (0, 0, 0), CMYK (0, 0, 0, 100)), and red (PMS 193 C, Hex #BF0D3E, RGB (191, 13, 62), CMYK (2, 99, 62, 11))​​.

  3. What font is used in the UAB Blazers logo?

    The UAB Blazers logo uses the Proxima Nova font, which is also applied to jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise​​.

  4. Are there specific Pantone color codes for the UAB Blazers?

    Yes, the specific Pantone color codes for the UAB Blazers are PMS 3425 C for green, PMS 131 C for gold, PMS Process Black C for black, and PMS 193 C for red​​.

  5. Can I find the HEX color codes for the UAB Blazers?

    Yes, the HEX color codes for the UAB Blazers are #006341 for green, #CC8A00 for gold, #000000 for black, and #BF0D3E for red​​.

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