Northern Illinois Huskies Color Codes

Northern Illinois Huskies Color Codes
Northern Illinois Huskies Color Codes

Primary Northern Illinois Huskies Color Codes

Northern Illinois Huskies Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

NIU Red(186, 12, 47)(3, 100, 70, 12)PMS 200 C#BA0C2F
NIU Silver(138, 141, 143)(19, 12, 13, 34)PMS 877 C#8A8D8F
Black(0, 0, 0)(0, 0, 0, 100)#000000

Key Features of Northern Illinois Huskies Color Codes

The Northern Illinois Huskies, a prominent NCAA football team, have a distinct color palette that reflects their identity and spirit. Their primary colors are NIU Red, Silver, and Black. These colors are not just visually striking but also carry a sense of tradition and pride for the team and its supporters.

  1. NIU Red: This vibrant color is represented in the PANTONE color system as PMS 200 C. Its Hex color code is #BA0C2F, and in the RGB color model, it translates to (186, 12, 47). In the CMYK color model, which is used in color printing, NIU Red is represented as (3, 100, 70, 12).
  2. NIU Silver: Adding a sleek and modern touch to the Huskies’ color scheme, NIU Silver’s PANTONE is PMS 877 C. Its Hex color code is #8A8D8F, which corresponds to (138, 141, 143) in the RGB color model. In CMYK, it is represented as (19, 12, 13, 34).
  3. Black: The color black is also a part of the Northern Illinois Huskies’ color palette, providing a bold contrast to the brighter NIU Red and the subtle NIU Silver​​​​​​.

These colors are not only used in the team’s uniforms and merchandise but also play a significant role in branding and marketing, helping to create a recognizable and cohesive identity for the Huskies. The combination of these colors represents the dynamism and strength of the team, and they are a source of pride for students, alumni, and fans alike.

FAQ of Northern Illinois Huskies Color Codes

  1. What are the official colors of the Northern Illinois Huskies?

    The Northern Illinois Huskies officially use NIU Red, NIU Silver, and Black as their team colors.

  2. Can you provide the Pantone color codes for the Northern Illinois Huskies?

    Yes, the Pantone color for NIU Red is PMS 200 C, and for NIU Silver, it is PMS 877 C.

  3. What are the Hex color codes for the Northern Illinois Huskies?

    The Hex color code for NIU Red is #BA0C2F, and for NIU Silver, it is #8A8D8F.

  4. Can I use the Northern Illinois Huskies colors for my projects?

    Yes, you can use these colors for digital or print projects, especially if they are related to representing the team or for fan art.

  5. Are there CMYK values available for the Northern Illinois Huskies colors?

    Yes, the CMYK values for NIU Red are (3, 100, 70, 12) and for NIU Silver, they are (19, 12, 13, 34).

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