North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes

North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes
North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes

Primary North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes

RGB:(123, 175, 212)
CMYK: (60, 19, 1, 4)

RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Secondary North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes

RGB:(162, 170, 173)
CMYK: (21, 11, 9, 23)

North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Carolina Blue(123, 175, 212)(60, 19, 1, 4)PMS 542 C#7BAFD4
White(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)#FFFFFF
Navy Blue(19, 41, 75)(100, 90, 10, 77)PMS 2767 C#13294B
Pitch Black(44, 42, 41)(0, 0, 0, 100)PMS Process Black C#000000
Silver(141, 144, 146)(23, 16, 13, 46)PMS 877 C#8D9092
Flat Gray(162, 170, 173)(21, 11, 9, 23)PMS 429 C#A2AAAD

Key Features of North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes

The North Carolina Tar Heels, hailing from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, are known for their distinctive color palette, primarily represented by Carolina blue and white. The specific color codes for their primary colors are as follows:

  • Carolina Blue: This signature color is defined by Pantone PMS 542 C, Hex code #7BAFD4, RGB values (123, 175, 212), and CMYK values (60, 19, 1, 4)​​.
  • White: Its Hex color code is #FFFFFF, with RGB values (255, 255, 255) and CMYK values (0, 0, 0, 0)​​.

Additionally, the team has a secondary color palette that includes:

  • Navy Blue: Defined by Pantone PMS 2767 C, Hex code #13294B, RGB values (19, 41, 75), and CMYK values (100, 90, 10, 77)​​.
  • Pitch Black: Represented by Pantone PMS Process Black C, Hex code #000000, RGB values (44, 42, 41), and CMYK values (0, 0, 0, 100)​​.
  • Silver: Characterized by Pantone PMS 877 C, Hex code #8D9092, RGB values (141, 144, 146), and CMYK values (23, 16, 13, 46)​​.
  • Flat Gray: Presented in Pantone PMS 429 C, Hex code #A2AAAD, RGB values (162, 170, 173), and CMYK values (21, 11, 9, 23)​​.

The team’s logo is emblematic, featuring the large interlocking letters “N” and “C” in Carolina blue and navy, symbolizing the initials of the state they represent​​. This logo, along with their custom typeface, is used across various mediums, including jersey lettering, player names, team branding, and merchandise​​.

This rich color scheme and distinctive logo play a significant role in the Tar Heels’ identity, reflecting their heritage and spirit. The contrast of the serene Carolina blue with the starkness of white, complemented by the depth of navy blue and the subtle tones of black, silver, and gray, create a visually striking and memorable brand identity that resonates with fans and athletes alike.

FAQ of North Carolina Tar Heels Color Codes

  1. What are the primary North Carolina Tar Heels colors?

    The primary colors of the North Carolina Tar Heels are Carolina Blue and White. Carolina Blue is defined by Pantone PMS 542 C, Hex code #7BAFD4, RGB values (123, 175, 212), and CMYK values (60, 19, 1, 4). White is represented by Hex code #FFFFFF, RGB values (255, 255, 255), and CMYK values (0, 0, 0, 0)​​.

  2. Does the North Carolina Tar Heels have secondary colors?

    Yes, the secondary colors include Navy Blue, Pitch Black, Silver, and Flat Gray. Each of these colors has specific Pantone, Hex, RGB, and CMYK values​​.

  3. What is the Pantone color code for Carolina Blue?

    The Pantone color code for Carolina Blue is PMS 542 C​​.

  4. Are the color codes used in the North Carolina Tar Heels logo different from their primary colors?

    The North Carolina Tar Heels logo uses the same primary colors, Carolina Blue and White, with specific color codes for branding and merchandise​​​​.

  5. Can I use the North Carolina Tar Heels color codes for personal or commercial projects?

    While the color codes are available for reference, it’s important to consider trademark and licensing laws, especially for commercial use. The use of team colors in merchandise or branding should be done with permission from the respective trademark holders.

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