Los Angeles Rams Color Codes

Los Angeles Rams Color Codes
Los Angeles Rams Color Codes

Primary Los Angeles Rams Color Codes

HEX COLOR: #003594
RGB: (0, 53, 148)
CMYK: (100, 90, 10, 2)

RGB: (255, 163, 0)
CMYK: (0, 42, 100, 0)

RGB: (255, 130, 0)
CMYK: (0, 60, 100, 0)

RGB: (255, 209, 0)
CMYK: (1, 16, 99, 0)

Los Angeles Rams Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color NameHEXRGBCMYKPantone
Rams Royal (Blue)#003594(0,53,148)
Sol (Yellow)#FFD100
Bone (White)#FFFFFF(255,255,255)
Millennium Blue#002244(0,34,68)(100,90,13,68)PMS 282 C
New Century Gold#866D4B(134,109,75)(0,29,54,50)PMS 873 C
Royal Blue#002D72(0,45,114)(100,60,0,30)PMS 288
Gold#FFCD00(255,205,0)(0,20,100,0)PMS 116

Key Features of Los Angeles Rams Color Codes

The Los Angeles Rams are a professional American football team based in Los Angeles, California. They compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member of the league’s National Football Conference (NFC) West division. The team’s colors play a significant role in its identity and branding. The Los Angeles Rams color codes, comprising Rams Royal, Sol, and Bone, create a vibrant and unique palette that reflects the dynamic spirit and tradition of the team.

Rams Royal (Blue)

The primary color for the Los Angeles Rams is a bright, royal blue known as Rams Royal. This color represents the legacy and the historic identity of the team. The royal blue evokes a sense of loyalty, trust, and confidence, which are qualities associated with the Rams’ performance on the field. The Rams have had variations of blue in their color scheme since their inception, and the current Rams Royal is a nod to their rich history.

Sol (Yellow)

The secondary color, Sol, is a vibrant yellow that symbolizes the sunny, optimistic, and energetic spirit of both the team and the city they represent. The name Sol, Spanish for sun, pays homage to the beautiful, sun-soaked landscapes of Southern California. This bright yellow is a symbol of positivity, energy, and hope, which complements the royal blue perfectly and adds a lively vibrancy to the team’s identity.

Bone (White)

The tertiary color in the Rams’ color palette is Bone, a warm off-white hue that is unique in the NFL. Unlike the stark white used by many other teams, Bone has a more subtle, natural appearance. This color represents a modern, minimalist aesthetic, and symbolizes a fresh start and a clean slate. It’s a neutral, yet warm color that provides a complementary backdrop to the Rams Royal and Sol.

Branding and Merchandise

The Los Angeles Rams color codes are prominently featured in the team’s branding and merchandise. From jerseys, helmets, and other apparel to various promotional materials, the distinctive color palette is a crucial part of the Rams’ brand identity. The innovative use of these colors sets the Rams apart from other NFL teams, and the bold, modern designs resonate well with fans. The Rams’ uniform, particularly the gradient design on the numbers and the horn motif on the helmet, is iconic and immediately recognizable.

Stadium Aesthetics

The Rams’ home, SoFi Stadium, also reflects the team’s color scheme. The state-of-the-art stadium, with its sleek design and modern amenities, incorporates the Rams’ colors in various elements, creating a cohesive and engaging fan experience. The aesthetic appeal of the stadium, enhanced by the Rams’ color palette, contributes to the overall brand identity and creates a strong sense of place and community for Rams fans.

Community Engagement

The color scheme also plays a role in the Rams’ community engagement initiatives. Through various outreach programs, charity events, and partnerships, the Rams use their colors to create a sense of unity and pride among fans and the broader Los Angeles community. The Los Angeles Rams color codes are more than just a visual identity; they are a symbol of the team’s enduring connection to the community and the larger tradition of excellence in football.


The Los Angeles Rams color codes are an integral part of the team’s identity. The unique and vibrant color palette of Rams Royal, Sol, and Bone encapsulates the team’s spirit, tradition, and forward-looking ethos. Through thoughtful branding, merchandise design, stadium aesthetics, and community engagement, the Los Angeles Rams have created a distinctive and enduring brand that resonates with fans and reflects the dynamic culture of Los Angeles and the legacy of the Rams franchise.

FAQ of Detroit Lions Color Codes

1. What are the official colors of the Los Angeles Rams?

The official colors of the Los Angeles Rams are Rams Royal (Blue), Sol (Yellow), and Bone (White).

2. What are the HEX codes for the Los Angeles Rams colors?

Rams Royal (Blue): #003594
Sol (Yellow): #FFD100
Bone (White): #FFFFFF

3. What are the RGB values for the Los Angeles Rams colors?

Rams Royal (Blue): (0, 53, 148)
Bone (White): (255, 255, 255)

4. What are the CMYK values for the Los Angeles Rams colors?

The CMYK values for the Los Angeles Rams colors are not explicitly mentioned. However, for the Millennium Blue and New Century Gold from their previous branding, the CMYK values are:
Millennium Blue: (100,90,13,68)
New Century Gold: (0,29,54,50)

5. What are the Pantone codes for the Los Angeles Rams colors?

Millennium Blue: PMS 282 C
New Century Gold: PMS 873 C

6. How have the Los Angeles Rams colors changed over the years?

The Rams have seen a few color changes over the years, with variations of blue and gold being consistent. The latest change was in 2020 when they introduced Rams Royal, Sol, and Bone as their new official colors.

7. Why were the colors Rams Royal, Sol, and Bone chosen?

Rams Royal, Sol, and Bone were chosen to reflect the team’s legacy, the sunny Californian spirit, and a modern minimalist aesthetic respectively.

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