Houston Cougars Color Codes

Houston Cougars Color Codes
Houston Cougars Color Codes

Primary Houston Cougars Color Codes

RGB: (184, 185, 183)
CMYK: (13, 8, 11, 26)

Houston Cougars Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Red(201, 42, 57)(2, 100, 85, 6)PMS 186 C#C8102E
Dark Red(125, 41, 53)(16, 100, 65, 58)PMS 188 C#76232F
Gray(184, 185, 183)(13, 8, 11, 26)PMS 421 C#B2B4B2

Key Features of Houston Cougars Color Codes

The Houston Cougars, a prominent NCAA football team based in Houston, Texas, are known for their distinctive color palette, consisting of red, dark red, and gray. These colors are not only a significant part of the team’s identity but also play a vital role in their branding and merchandise.

  1. Primary Colors: The primary colors of the Houston Cougars are as follows:
    • Red: Pantone PMS 186 C, Hex #C8102E, RGB (201, 42, 57), CMYK (2, 100, 85, 6).
    • Dark Red: Pantone PMS 188 C, Hex #76232F, RGB (125, 41, 53), CMYK (16, 100, 65, 58).
    • Gray: Pantone PMS 421 C, Hex #B2B4B2, RGB (184, 185, 183), CMYK (13, 8, 11, 26)​​.
  2. Logo Colors: The team’s logo, which combines the letters “U” and “H” in a monogram, reflects the same color scheme. This logo represents the initials of the University of Houston, symbolizing the team’s connection to the institution. The specific color codes for the logo are the same as the primary colors mentioned above​​​​.
  3. Logo Fonts: The specific font used in the Houston Cougars logo and related branding materials is the NCAA Houston Cougars font. This font style is utilized for various purposes, including jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team logo, branding, and merchandise​​.

The color palette of the Houston Cougars is a crucial element of their visual identity, reflecting the team’s spirit and heritage. The combination of red, dark red, and gray is not only visually striking but also imbues the team with a sense of energy and dynamism, fitting for a competitive sports team. The consistency of these colors across various mediums, from their logo to team merchandise, helps in maintaining a cohesive and recognizable brand image.

FAQ of Houston Cougars Color Codes

  1. What are the Houston Cougars’ primary colors?

    The primary colors of the Houston Cougars are red, dark red, and gray​​.

  2. What are the exact color codes for the Houston Cougars in different formats?

    The color codes for the Houston Cougars are:
    Red: PMS 186 C, HEX #C8102E, RGB (201, 42, 57), CMYK (2, 100, 85, 6)
    Dark Red: PMS 188 C, HEX #76232F, RGB (125, 41, 53), CMYK (16, 100, 65, 58)
    Gray: PMS 421 C, HEX #B2B4B2, RGB (184, 185, 183), CMYK (13, 8, 11, 26)​​​​​​.

  3. Are the Houston Cougars’ logo colors different from their primary colors?

    No, the Houston Cougars’ logo colors are the same as their primary colors: red, dark red, and gray​​.

  4. What does the Houston Cougars logo represent?

    The Houston Cougars logo, featuring the letters “U” and “H” joined in a monogram, symbolizes the initials of the University of Houston​​.

  5. What font is used in the Houston Cougars logo?

    The font used in the Houston Cougars logo is NCAA Houston Cougars, which is also used for jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team branding, and merchandise​​.

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