Florida Atlantic Owls Color Codes

Florida Atlantic Owls Color Codes
Florida Atlantic Owls Color Codes

Primary Florida Atlantic Owls Color Codes

RGB: (204, 204, 204)
CMYK: (23, 16, 14, 0)

Florida Atlantic Owls Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Blue(0, 51, 102)(100, 78, 26, 28)PMS 295 C#003366
Red(204, 0, 0)(20, 100, 81, 10)PMS 200 C#CC0000
Silver(138, 141, 143)(45, 34, 34, 0)PMS 877 C#8A8D8F
Gray(204, 204, 204)(23, 16, 14, 0)PMS 428 C#CCCCCC

Key Features of Florida Atlantic Owls Color Codes

The Florida Atlantic Owls, a collegiate football team from Boca Raton, Florida, are known for their distinctive color palette and logo, which reflect their identity and heritage. Their primary colors are blue, red, silver, and gray. These colors are carefully chosen and detailed in various formats for consistency in representation:

  1. Blue: A deep and vibrant shade, represented in Pantone as PMS 295 C, Hex color #003366, RGB (0, 51, 102), and CMYK (100, 78, 26, 28).
  2. Red: A bold and striking hue, shown in Pantone as PMS 200 C, Hex color #CC0000, RGB (204, 0, 0), and CMYK (20, 100, 81, 10).
  3. Silver: A sleek and modern color, depicted in Pantone as PMS 877 C, Hex color #8A8D8F, RGB (138, 141, 143), and CMYK (45, 34, 34, 0).
  4. Gray: A neutral and versatile shade, represented in Pantone as PMS 428 C, Hex color #CCCCCC, RGB (204, 204, 204), and CMYK (23, 16, 14, 0)​​.

The team’s logo is a powerful symbol, featuring an owl’s head in the center with the initials “FAU” above it. This design honors the team’s nickname and celebrates Florida Atlantic University’s designation as a burrowing owl sanctuary since 1971​​. The logo employs a custom typeface, specifically designed for the Florida Atlantic Owls, which is used across various applications including jersey lettering, player names, numbers, team branding, and merchandise​​.

These elements together – the colors, logo, and custom font – create a distinctive and cohesive brand identity for the Florida Atlantic Owls, resonating with fans and representing the team’s spirit and heritage.

FAQ of Florida Atlantic Owls Color Codes

  1. What are the primary colors of the Florida Atlantic Owls?

    The primary colors are blue, red, silver, and gray​​.

  2. What are the exact Pantone color codes for the Florida Atlantic Owls?

    The Pantone colors are PMS 295 C for blue, PMS 200 C for red, PMS 877 C for silver, and PMS 428 C for gray​​.

  3. Can you provide the HEX color codes for the Florida Atlantic Owls?

    The HEX codes are #003366 for blue, #CC0000 for red, #8A8D8F for silver, and #CCCCCC for gray​​.

  4. What are the RGB color codes for the Florida Atlantic Owls?

    The RGB color codes are (0, 51, 102) for blue, (204, 0, 0) for red, (138, 141, 143) for silver, and (204, 204, 204) for gray​​.

  5. What typeface is used in the Florida Atlantic Owls logo?

    The logo utilizes a custom Florida Atlantic Owls typeface​​.

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