D.C. United Color Codes

D.C. United Color Codes
D.C. United Color Codes

Primary D.C. United Color Codes

HEX: #EF3E42
RGB: (239, 62, 66)
CMYK: (0, 91, 76, 0)

HEX: #231F20
RGB: (35, 31, 32)
CMYK: (70, 67, 64, 74)

RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)

D.C. United Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Red#EF3E42(239, 62, 66)(0, 91, 76, 0)PMS Red 032 C
Black#231F20(35, 31, 32)(70, 67, 64, 74)PMS Hexachrome Black
White#FFFFFF(255, 255, 255)(0, 0, 0, 0)Not specified

Key Features of D.C. United Color Codes

D.C. United is a professional soccer team based in Washington, D.C., United States, and is one of the ten charter clubs of Major League Soccer (MLS), having competed in the league since its inception in 1996. The team has a storied history, with a significant number of accolades, making it one of the most successful clubs in MLS history.

The team’s colors are traditionally black and red, which are featured prominently on their badge and their kits. These colors have become synonymous with D.C. United’s identity and are instantly recognizable to fans of the sport. The color codes are specific to the branding of the team and are used in various merchandising and promotional materials. The official D.C. United colors are black, red, and white.

Black and red have been a part of D.C. United’s identity from the very beginning, chosen to represent the team’s strength, power, and determination on the field. The color scheme is also a nod to the traditional sports colors of the city of Washington, D.C., often associated with its other sports teams. The team’s crest features an eagle, which is an important national symbol for the United States and is indicative of the club’s location in the nation’s capital.

Over the years, D.C. United has had a unique feature in its fan culture, with dedicated supporter groups such as the Screaming Eagles, Barra Brava, and the District Ultras contributing to a vibrant and intense match-day atmosphere. These groups are known for their passionate support, with chants, songs, and tifo displays that are among the most elaborate in MLS.

The club’s home stadium, Audi Field, is another unique feature. Opened in 2018, it is a soccer-specific stadium located in Southwest Washington, D.C., and provides fans with a modern and intimate viewing experience. The stadium’s design reflects the colors and iconography of the team, creating a fortress-like environment for home matches.

D.C. United’s impact on the field is as significant as its cultural footprint. The team has won several MLS Cups, Supporters’ Shields, and U.S. Open Cups. They were also the first American club to participate in the CONCACAF Champions Cup, now known as the CONCACAF Champions League, showcasing the team’s competitive spirit and ambition on an international stage.

The team has been home to several notable players over the years, including international stars and homegrown talent. This mix of experienced internationals and local players has been a hallmark of the club’s approach to squad building, fostering a strong connection with the local community while maintaining high standards of performance.

In terms of coaching and management, D.C. United has had a number of distinguished figures at the helm, including Bruce Arena, who led the team to multiple MLS Cup victories. The management’s commitment to the team’s philosophy and competitive excellence has been a consistent feature throughout its history.

While D.C. United’s on-field success has fluctuated in recent years, the club’s commitment to its core values and identity remains steadfast. The black-and-red colors continue to symbolize a rich history and a bright future, as the club strives to return to its place at the pinnacle of North American soccer.

FAQ of D.C. United Color Codes

1. What are D.C. United’s official team colors?

D.C. United’s official colors are red, black, and white.

2. Can I use D.C. United’s colors for personal use?

Yes, for personal, non-commercial purposes, referencing the team’s colors is usually fine.

3. What are the HEX codes for D.C. United’s colors?

Red: #EF3E42, Black: #231F20, White: #FFFFFF.

4. What are the CMYK codes for D.C. United’s colors?

Red: (0, 91, 76, 0), Black: (70, 67, 64, 74), White: (0, 0, 0, 0).

5. What Pantone colors correspond to D.C. United’s colors?

Red: PMS Red 032 C, Black: PMS Hexachrome Black. White does not have a specified Pantone match.

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