Cleveland Guardians Color Codes

Cleveland Guardians Color Codes
Cleveland Guardians Color Codes

Primary Cleveland Guardians Color Codes

HEX: #00385D
RGB: (0, 56, 93)
CMYK: (100, 80, 38, 29)

HEX: #E50022
RGB: (229, 0, 34)
CMYK: (4, 100, 99, 1)

RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Cleveland Guardians Color Codes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color NameRGBCMYKPantoneHEX
Dark Midnight Blue(0, 56, 93)1, 0.397, 0, 0.635N/A#00385D
Cadmium Red(229, 0, 34)0, 1, 0.851, 0.101N/A#E50022

Key Features of Cleveland Guardians Color Codes

The Cleveland Guardians is a professional baseball team based in Cleveland, Ohio, and they have a unique branding which is heavily tied to the city’s history and architectural features. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of their color codes and unique features:

  1. Color Codes:
    • Dark Midnight Blue: This color has a HEX code of #00385D, RGB values of (0, 56, 93), and CMYK values of 1, 0.397, 0, 0.635​​.
    • Cadmium Red: The HEX code for this color is #E50022, with RGB values of (229, 0, 34), and CMYK values of 0, 1, 0.851, 0.101​.
  2. Logo and Branding:
    • The team’s new logo and branding draw heavily from the city’s iconic Hope Memorial Bridge, specifically the “Guardians of Traffic” statues that adorn it​.
    • The “Diamond C” logo is an evolution of the classic Block C, representing the tradition and heritage of Cleveland baseball, and is inspired by the diamond motifs on the Guardians of Traffic pylons​.
  3. Uniform and Typography:
    • Their Bridge Print alphabet, derived from the Diamond C, is used on the home and away jerseys, representing the unique characteristics of Cleveland with angular letters and numbers that mimic the architecture of the bridge and the Guardians of Traffic​.
  4. Team Name and Mascot:
    • The name “Guardians” reflects the spirit of Cleveland – resilient, hard-working, and loyal, symbolizing a resolve to stand by the city through thick and thin​.
  5. Historical Connection:
    • The rivalry with fellow Ohio team, the Cincinnati Reds, known as the Battle of Ohio or Buckeye Series, features the Ohio Cup trophy for the winner, showing a unique historical connection within the state​​.
  6. Other Branding Elements:
    • The Guardians Fastball logo embodies what it means to be a Cleveland Guardian with a strong, yet simple design inspired by the helmets and wings of Hope Memorial Bridge’s Guardians statues​​.

The branding of the Cleveland Guardians is deeply rooted in the city’s identity and heritage, showcasing a significant connection between the team, the city, and the local community. Through their unique color scheme, logos, and other branding elements, the Cleveland Guardians encapsulate a sense of pride and loyalty towards Cleveland, fostering a strong bond with the local fans and the broader Ohio community.

FAQ of Cleveland Guardians Color Codes

1. What are the official color codes for the Cleveland Guardians?

Dark Midnight Blue: HEX #00385D, RGB (0, 56, 93), CMYK (1, 0.397, 0, 0.635)
Cadmium Red: HEX #E50022, RGB (229, 0, 34), CMYK (0, 1, 0.851, 0.101)

2. Are there any other colors associated with the Cleveland Guardians?

As of now, the primary colors associated with the Cleveland Guardians are Dark Midnight Blue and Cadmium Red. These colors are prominently featured in the team’s branding and merchandise.

3. How are these color codes used by the Cleveland Guardians?

The color codes are used in various branding elements of the Cleveland Guardians including their logo, uniforms, merchandise, and digital media to maintain a consistent and recognizable brand identity.

4. Why were these particular colors chosen for the Cleveland Guardians?

The specific color choices reflect the team’s brand identity and heritage. The Dark Midnight Blue and Cadmium Red are bold colors that symbolize the spirit and resilience of the Cleveland community.

5. How do the Cleveland Guardians’ color codes relate to the team’s logo and mascot?

The color codes, especially the Dark Midnight Blue, are integrated into the design of the team’s logo and other branding elements. The colors, along with the design elements, pay homage to the city’s heritage, specifically the Guardians of Traffic statues on the Hope Memorial Bridge.

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